MAMP Pro Setup

Install Download MAMP Pro and Install Note: all MAMP Pro specific configuration files are in /Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/ Configure PHP Preferences Click the “PHP” section Set default PHP version as desired Enable “Make this version available on the command line” Set “mode” to “Individual PHP version…” Enable the “Xdebug” extension Enable “Log error ‘to screen’” Setup […]

How to Setup a LAMP Stack on CentOS

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use yourdomain.tdl as our domain.  Anytime you see something like {yourdomain.tdl} or anything similar enclosed in curly braces, please replace with the text specific for your setup. Install Apache Server on CentOS Install [code]yum install httpd[/code] Set to startup Apache on boot [code]chkconfig –levels 235 httpd on[/code] […]

Fix for “Failed to connect to FTP Server localhost:21” with WordPress on Mac

If you are trying to run an update via the WordPress admin installed locally on your Mac you may have run into the error “Failed to connect to FTP Server localhost:21”. This is possibly caused by ownership and permissions issues on the files. When you installed your WordPress site it may have been owned by yourusername:staff […]