Add Custom Image Field to WordPress Theme Customizer

To make the theme preview work, in JS in the admin you will need to add… Then to output in your theme you can either output directly using… However, since we are saving this in the DB as an attachment ID, you will probably want to create a template tag function to convert it to […]

How to Setup a LAMP Stack on CentOS

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use yourdomain.tdl as our domain.  Anytime you see something like {yourdomain.tdl} or anything similar enclosed in curly braces, please replace with the text specific for your setup. Install Apache Server on CentOS Install [code]yum install httpd[/code] Set to startup Apache on boot [code]chkconfig –levels 235 httpd on[/code] […]

Install Magento on localhost – Mac OSX 10.9 Mavericks

This tutorial assumes you have already set up your mac to use your httpd-vhosts.conf file and have MySQL and PHP running.  Also, if you run into an error that says you need mcrypt, try following this tutorial on How to Install mcrypt for php on Mac OSX Lion 10.8 & 10.7 Development Server (it also works […]

Selectively Dump Data with mysqldump

You can dump part of a table using the mysqldump in command line.  The command is… The “-t” flag will suppress the “DROP” and “CREATE” commands so you will be left with a clean “INSERT” statement that you can load where ever needed. You can also use a shortcut for the “where” by using just […]

Create MySQL Database and Add New User (command line)

Here is a quick example of how to create a database, assign a new user and set their password. Connect to MySQL server as user “root” (you will be prompted for a password) The “mysql>” prompt will now appear. Create new database… we’ll call it “orders” Give user (named “fluffy”) full permissions Set password for […]