The Sign-up Sheets WordPress Plugin is an online sign-up sheet manager where your users or volunteers can sign up for tasks that you set up.

Current Version #
2.2.14 (pro)
2.2.14 (free) Sign-up Sheets Pro - WordPress Plugin4.5 of 5 rating based on 15 ratings (15)

Pro Version Changelog
Free Version Changelog



Includes 1 year of support and updates and initial 30-day money-back guarantee. *

* If you request a refund, all we ask is that we be given the opportunity to work with you to resolve any issue you may have experienced or detail why it’s not working for your needs so we can improve the Sign-up Sheets WordPress plugin going forward for all users. Thanks!



Free Version

Free features include…

Create an unlimited number of sheets, tasks on each sheet and sign-ups on each task.

User will receive an email confirming they’ve signed up.

Learn more about confirmation emails

Admins can quickly add a sign-up, edit an existing sign-up and clear sign-up spots from the Manage Sign-ups page for any sheet.

Learn more about the Manage Sign-ups admin page.

Use the [user_sign_ups] shortcode to allow this.

Copy over all sheet information and tasks to a fresh sheet. Also, if editing a sheet, you can quickly copy a task to a new line and retain all the same data.

Learn more about copying sheets and tasks.

Download all sign-up information to a CSV or export just individual sheets.

Individual sheet export was previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Enable reCAPTCHA on your sign-up forms for extra SPAM protection. (optional)

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Support for reCAPTCHA v3 added as of version 2.2.12

Set these fields as optional or just hide them altogether. This can be set for each field globally and by sheet.

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Show all the data your users entered on their sign-up form on the sheet on the frontend. This is best used in a secure password protected area of your site or on a local environment. (optional)

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Automatically generated sheet URLs with customizable SEO-friendly URL slug…

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Visual Editor for sheet description field so you can format your sheet description easily.

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Added ability to sort frontend sheet listing by date or sheet ID. Learn more about sorting sheets.

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Ability to set publish scheduling of sheets similar to standard WordPress posts.

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Option for email validation on sign-up form of the email address the user enters. This is enabled by default and can be disabled if needed in the sign-up-sheets settings.

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

There is a frontend JavaScript check to verify that the email entered into the email field looks like a valid email address. It will display a warning message that there might be an issue and may offer a suggestion, but it won’t prevent the submission.

Example showing a user that entered an address ending in and the validation error displaying that says "Did you mean"
Example showing a user that entered a misspelled domain.
Example showing a user that forgot to include the ".com" in their email and the email validation displaying a message that says "Please make sure your email is valid."
Example showing a user that forgot to include the “.com” in their email.

There is also a backend PHP check using FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL to verify the email is valid. This will prevent the sign-up from submitting, but allow them to fix the address and re-submit.

Alert message reading… “Whoops, it looks like your email domain may not be valid.”

If a user submits a sign-up with the same email that is already signed up on the task, a message will be prompted asking “You have already signed up for this task. Do you want to sign up again?”

The ability to display more than 1 shortcode on a single page or post.

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Allows searching for sheets by name in the admin (full or partial)

Previously only available on Pro! (prior to version 2.2)

Pro Version

Pro includes all features of Free plus…

Add unlimited custom fields on sign-up forms and tasks. Ability to mark for all sheets or set as sheet-specific. Supported field types are text, textarea, checkbox, radio button and dropdown.

Learn more about custom fields

Using a secure link in their confirmation email, users can remove their own sign-up record. ALSO, if users are logged in when they sign up, they will see a “Remove” link on the sign-up sheet next to their spot.

Learn more about Self-Removal on Sign-ups

Automatically send a reminder email before an event. (optional)

Learn more about reminder emails

Allows customization of the confirmation and reminder emails per sheet. (optional)

Learn more about customizing confirmation emails

Dates can be assigned on the task-level rather than just the sheet. (optional)

Learn more about Task Dates

Add one or more email address as a BCC on all sign-up and removal emails. This can be set globally and by sheet. (optional)

Allow the admin or Sheet BCC emails to be sent a Status E-mail that lists all current sign-ups. Email will be sent anytime a user signs up or removes themselves so they have the most recent list.

Create sheet categories and filter by category with the [sign_up_sheet] shortcode

If configured, logged-in users will get an “edit” icon for any task they signed up for.

Learn more about user editable signups

Change how names are displayed on the public facing sheets to show first name and last initial, full name, or keep everyone anonymous.

Learn more about the Front-end Display Names options.

Allow users to have your site remember their vital info (name, email, phone, address) for future sign-ups during that visit on your site. (optional)

Edit the body of your sign-up confirmation, removal confirmation and reminder emails.

Display your sign-up sheet open spots in a more condensed format with either “Compact” or “Semi-Compact” mode. This can be set globally and by sheet. (optional).

Learn more about Compact, Semi-Compact, and Standard Display Modes

This is a great option to use for a recurring sheet where you don’t need to keep a historical record of the sign-ups.

Configured per sheet, you can set a sheet to clear every week on one or more days of the week.

Sheets will be cleared after mid-night the morning of the day(s) you select.

Auto-clear Schedule option with checkboxes for all the days of the week. In this example “Friday” is checked.

Learn more about Auto-Clearing Sheets

Added as of version 2.2.9.

Edit the task title label to anything you like. Defaults to “What”

Prevents users from being able to sign up for a task more than once. This can be set globally and by sheet. (optional)

Prevents users from being able to sign up for a task directly before or after a task for which they have already signed up. This can be set globally and by sheet. (optional)

Allows a user to sign up for multiple tasks with one submitted entry. This can be set globally and by sheet. (optional)

Locks and holds a spot for 3 minutes when a user accesses the sign-up form. (optional)

Add header rows to help separate and organize tasks on your sheet more easily.

Learn more about task header rows.

Ability to change the standard confirmation message after a successful signup into a larger Receipt-style confirmation message which includes all the fields they just signed up with.

Receipt message which displays the sheet and task as well as the signup info the user submitted displayed in receipt form with a datestamp at the bottom.
Sign-up Receipt optional setting to replace standard confirmation message (PRO)

Shows names and count of filled spots in the admin Edit Sheet screen. (optional)

A "Filled Spots" column is added to the Task list in the admin Edit Sheet page which displays a text area with a count and the full names of all signups. (PRO)
A “Filled Spots” column is added to the Task list in the admin Edit Sheet page.

1 Year of Support and Updates from date of purchase.

Includes 1 year of support and updates and initial 30-day money-back guarantee

If you request a refund, all we ask is that we be given the opportunity to work with you to resolve any issue you may have experienced or detail why it’s not working for your needs so we can improve the Sign-up Sheets WordPress plugin going forward for all users. Thanks!

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