2.2.13 | 2024-07-19

  • Added Sign-up link auto-scrolling with a hash so that when clicking the sign-up links/buttons the user is taking right to the form no matter how much content you put before the sign-up sheet. This can be disabled in the admin under Sign-up Sheets > Settings > Sign-up Form > Disable sign-up link auto-scroll to sheet
  • Fixed issue where non-logged-in user could submit a sign-up and assign it to another user's account.
  • Fixed XSS issue in admin on Help page email test form and added some additional URL sanitization throughout the plugin.
  • Fixed missing rel="noreferrer" on target="_blank" instances and removed some instances that were not needed to improve accessibility/usability.
  • Fixed PHP deprecated error when non-string or empty string is passed to strpos
  • Fixed PHP syntax error with unexpected ')' for PHP versions prior to 7.3

2.2.12 | 2024-03-03

  • Added support for reCAPTCHA v3
  • Added support for the Breeze caching plugin
  • Added classes "wp-block-button__link wp-element-button" on buttons
  • Added workaround to support GoodLayers theme content not displaying on automatically-generated sheet pages
  • Fixed copy sheet action to include nonce for security
  • Fixed default table styles on [user_sign_ups] shortcode to match other tables
  • Fixed postboxes on Settings page to retain sorting and open/close status per user
  • Fixed custom sign-up field bug where field that included "signup_" in the slug wouldn't allow saving the value properly
  • Fixed FDSUS_DISABLE_MIGRATE_2_0_to_2_1 to prevent more unnecessary migration logic from running | 2023-09-25

  • Fixed bug that was throwing PHP Warning on some installs
  • Fixed invisible reCAPTCHA which was incorrectly showing the simple CAPTCHA as well

2.2.11 | 2023-09-24

  • Added ability for logged-in users to edit their own sign-ups on the frontend and configuration option to set timeframe when it's available.
  • Added caching support for sign-up updates
  • Added [user_sign_ups] shortcode to allow displaying list of their own sign-ups for logged-in users.
  • Added option for front-end display name to show either the Public Display Name, Nickname or Username for users that were logged in when they signed up.
  • Added .fdsus-signup-cta class to the sign-up links on the sheet pages and sheet listing pages
  • Added ability to show removal link for users that signed up prior to having the feature enabled (such as users upgrading from the free version)
  • Updated removal link text to an icon and added the fdsus_removal_link_contents filter to allow for customization.
  • Updated license check prevent an admin message if there is an error trying to check the license on the first attempt and added a more helpful error if the error persists on a second attempt or if the error is throw while trying to activate a new license
  • Fixed error blocking user from signing up for a task that didn't have a task date, when all the other tasks on that sheet with dates had passed.
  • Fixed performance on sheet page due to inefficiencies in Compact Mode checks and TaskCollections
  • Fixed broken "Export as CSV" link on "Manage Sign-ups" page
  • Fixed reCAPTCHA invisible (v2) form submit error
  • Fixed Gutenberg block toggle for list_title_is_category where it wasn't saving the toggle value
  • Fixed issue on sign-up form where the values for custom fields with hyphens in the slug aren't re-populated in the form if the form is submitted and an error is returned.
  • Fixed deprecation notices for PHP 8

2.2.10 | 2023-07-26

  • Added support for the WP Fastest Cache plugin
  • Added sign-up User ID column to export files
  • Fixed broken "Export Sheet as CSV" link bug introduced in version 2.2.9

2.2.9 | 2023-07-20

  • Added ability to edit existing and add new sign-ups in admin on Manage Sign-ups page
  • Added Auto-Clear feature to optionally delete all sign-ups on a sheet on a schedule
  • Fixed CSRF security validation with admin settings page
  • Fixed extra space being added on textarea type custom sign-up fields
  • Fixed "Undefined array key" warning in logs on custom fields on sign-up form page
  • Removed unused database call on Help page

2.2.8 | 2023-04-19

  • Added sign-up dates and assigned users on Manage Sign-ups page in admin
  • Fixed bug with new sorting feature from 2.2.7 causing a fatal error when running on PHP 7.4 and earlier

2.2.7 | 2023-04-16

  • Added semi-compact mode display option
  • Added toggle on the main Settings page to disable the confirmation email and removal confirmation emails from being sent
  • Added new sheet listing order options of descending order for date or sheet ID
  • Added ability to reset all Sign-up Sheets global settings back to default values
  • Added support for the Loco Translate plugin
  • Added translation support to the admin Help page
  • Added FDSUS_DISABLE_MIGRATE_2_0_to_2_1 constant to allow disabling the migration process if needed
  • Updated styles to allow horizontal scrolling for sheet's task listing table content extends past smaller screens such as on mobile
  • Updated licensing logic for PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • Updated spot number text to be translatable (Ex: "#1:")
  • Updated Help page "System Information" and moved it to the main WordPress Site Health Info page
  • Fixed bug where self-removal link doesn't appear on sheet if "Front-end Display Names" is set to "full name"
  • Fixed bug where removed sign-ups don't flush 3rd party cache plugins
  • Fixed some instances of deprecated functionality for PHP 8.2
  • Fixed confirmation email issue with missing removal link and other sign-up user info variables when W3 Total Cache Database Cache is enabled
  • Fixed bug where self-removal link was showing up next to anonymous sign-ups

2.2.6 | 2022-11-19

  • Fixed translations in admin related to custom post type names and "At a Glance" on dashboard
  • Added additional validation on sign-up if sheet or task are no longer active
  • Updated "session" cookie to use proper COOKIEPATH and COOKIE_DOMAIN in setcookie(), remove cookie on kill(), and clean up setcookie only if headers aren't already sent
  • Fixed spacing to improve accessibility in success/error messages to separate alt text on icons from the subsequent messaging
  • Fixed conflict with reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox from validating if disabled in SUS, but another reCAPTCHA exists outside the SUS plugin.
  • Updated sign-up form check to prevent double submissions to clear after 3 seconds to allow re-submission

2.2.5 | 2022-09-23

  • Fixed issue preventing excerpts from displaying

2.2.4 | 2022-09-11

  • Added option to disable the logged-in user auto-populate of name and email on the sign-up form
  • Added missing translations for 'Yes, Remove Me'
  • Updated messaging to be more clear if sign-up removal is successful, but removal confirmation email fails to send
  • Fixed conflict on the_title filter to prevent errors if other plugins/themes do not include the required ID argument
  • Fixed sign-up form from failing if only mail sending errors out after sign-up is successful
  • Fixed notices from appearing when submitting sign-up form when get_the_excerpt is used prior
  • Fixed issue where custom task fields with hyphens aren't sending value on confirmation emails
  • Fixed bug with validation if no checkboxes are checked when using the Task Checkbox feature with more than one sheet on a page
  • Fixed missing right arrow in Safari after "View & sign-up" on sheet listing

2.2.3 | 2022-04-09

  • Added privacy improvements to integrate sign-ups with the WP Export and Erase Personal Data functionality
  • Added ability to remove email address from sign-up form
  • Updated setting page save to prevent conflicts
  • Fixed bug where user roles that don't have access to read sign-up sheets and manage_options are prevented from viewing admin pages (such a subscribers viewing their admin dashboard)

2.2.2 | 2022-03-19

  • Added support for LightSpeed Cache
  • Added admin dashboard "At a Glance" item for Sign-up Sheets
  • Updated translations to include escape for improved security
  • Updated color of sort icon when editing tasks on Edit Sheet page to improve accessibility
  • Fixed bug when using Sign-up Success Message Receipt with a timezone set as UTC
  • Fixed task date display on multi-signups when using the multi-signup checkbox feature

2.2.1 | 2022-02-26

  • Added Sign-up Sheets Gutenberg Block
  • Updated "View & sign-up" links on sheet page to improve accessibility for screen readers
  • Fixed compatibility issue with block themes like Twenty Twenty-Two
  • Fixed admin update notifications
  • Fixed issue with reCAPTCHA in case-sensitive file systems
  • Fixed JS console error when not on sign-up form
  • Fixed missing settings link on plugin listing page
  • Fixed SUS Manager Role on activation | 2022-02-01

  • Fixed error when opening theme customizer and various other admin tasks
  • Fixed missing table borders on some themes

2.2 | 2022-01-30

  • Added option to switch between reCAPTCHA v2 "checkbox" or "invisible"
  • Added empty spot rows to All Sheets export
  • Added custom fields to All Sheets export
  • Added accessibility improvements to task table
  • Added required attribute to applicable fields in sign-up form
  • Added View and Edit Sheet links on Manage Sign-ups pages for easier access between screens
  • Added minification on frontend JS file for improved performance
  • Added ability to modify States dropdown via the "fdsus_states" filter
  • Updated required field error messaging to list field names that are missing to make it more clear
  • Fixed Spot Lock
  • Fixed Task Copy which was copying empty rows if more than 10
  • Fixed Task Copy of checkbox custom fields
  • Fixed issue with custom checkboxes fields not selecting the right box on the sheet edit screen when clicking on the label instead of the checkbox
  • Fixed some issues with data migration performance on re-run
  • Fixed export to exclude sheets with zero tasks
  • Fixed sheet listing query to isolate only sheet post types
  • Fixed compatibility with PHP pre-5.5 to prevent fatal error on sign-up success
  • Fixed Settings link on Plugins page to use admin scheme instead of forcing https
  • Updated to require a minimum of WordPress 5.5+

  • Fixed sanitization security issue
  • Fixed admin load time if license key check fails
  • Fixed "Plugin Homepage" link
  • Added link to support forum on Help page
  • Added a few missing translation texts

  • Added Custom Sign-up Fields to the Email Confirmation template {signup_details} variable
  • Added option for sign-up receipt on success message
  • Added body class "dlssus_signup-success" if signup is successful
  • Added date field type for custom sign-up fields
  • Added sheet ID to the edit sheet page for easier identification
  • Fixed conflict with Yoast SEO hiding notices on frontend
  • Fixed conflict with Gravity Forms throwing PHP error and breaking styles on form admin pages
  • Fixed bug with export where leaving a custom task field empty would misalign values in the wrong columns
  • Fixed PHP notice if zip code field is visible but not posted yet
  • Fixed Help page "Email Test" bounced message functionality

  • Added support for WP-Optimize cache flushing after sign-up
  • Added quick links for "Manage Sign-ups" and "Export Sheet" on Edit Sheet page
  • Fixed users being prevented from signing up for the same tasks more than once as well as some success and error notices not appearing
  • Fixed some non-published sheets from displaying on frontend if declared with shortcode
  • Fixed too much spacing below email field when Gutenberg styles were loaded and MailCheck is enabled
  • Fixed spacing between sign-up form fields on themes that clear out padding on paragraph tags like Twenty Twenty-One
  • Fixed bug with recaptcha breaking page load if Yoast is activate and no recaptcha keys are present
  • Fixed color on sheet ID on All Sign-up Sheets listing in admin to make it more visible
  • Added documentation on additional variable for email templates: signup_firstname/lastname/email
  • Added a couple missing text strings to the translation file
  • Updated mailcheck feature to include simple email format validator alert and improved the alert accessibility to notify screenreaders if it makes a suggestion
  • Added special HTML 5.2 autocomplete values on sign-up form primary fields like name, email, phone and address

  • Sanitized listing title
  • Fixed debugging on tasks


  • Added feature to allow showing the names and count of filled spots on a task on the Edit Sheet screen in the admin

  • Fixed "Clear Spot" nonce error on individual links in admin "Manage Sign-ups" pages
  • Fixed custom task fields that are set on only specific sheet IDs so they are visible on sheet edit screen
  • Updated translations to account for words generated within confirmation email as well as cleaned up some html from other various translatable strings
  • Updated email template notes on Settings page to include available variables
  • Removed use of FontAwesome in admin

  • Updated single sheet pages to stay active even after sheet date passes instead of throwing a 404 error
  • Fixed sorting/expanding of sections on Settings page (compatibility with WP 5.5)
  • Fixed Spot Lock availability check specificity to prevent counting more spots filled than there should be
  • Fixed error message if deleting a task that has at least one spot already taken

  • Updated sheet and task display pages to greatly improve theme compatibility. Deprecated single-dlssus_sheet.php and single-dlssus_task.php
  • Updated Settings page custom fields Sheet selection multi-dropdown to allow searching as well as easier viewing of long sheet names
  • Fixed "Use task dates" checkbox compatibility with WP 5.5
  • Fixed migration to account for zero max_execution_time where migration shows stuck at 0%
  • Fixed styling of Settings page for WP 5.5 compatibility
  • Added .dls-sus-spot-num CSS class around spot number on sign-up sheet page.

  • Updated sheet listing on frontend to run faster with larger datasets
  • Fixed SUS Manager Role
  • Fixed ability to signup for private sheet
  • Fixed mailcheck to only load script when enabled
  • Fixed compact mode throwing PHP fatal error in some setups
  • Fixed error messages if you try to remove a task with signups or reduce it to less than the current number of signups
  • Updated to add compatibility for PHP 5.4+ for legacy customers
  • Added support for Virtue theme by Kadence WP

  • Fixed important bug where when emptying the sign-up sheet trash it would delete tasks/signups from active sheets
  • Fixed bug with rewrites not flushing causing Sheet pages to throw a 404
  • Fixed issue getting additional task data in certain circumstances

  • Added ability for users who are logged in when they sign up to remove themselves from a spot by using a "Remove" link next to the sign-up on the frontend
  • Added saving of user id on signup as a meta field
  • Added checkboxes on Manage Sign-ups for clearing spots
  • Added nonces on sign-up form and manage signups page for improved security
  • Added auto-fill of first name, last name and email for users who are logged in (remember me feature overrides these values when set)
  • Fixed bug with shortcode using category_slug and category_id
  • Fixed archive template for categories

  • Fixed copy sheet functionality
  • Fixed bug with using id attribute of shortcode for post-2.1.x version sheets
  • Fixed bug on settings page not allowing expanding of sections for some users

  • Fixed migration duplication bug
  • Added performance enhancements and logging for the migration
  • Updated deprecated code


  • Improved theme compatibility with WP Themes
  • Added theme support for the following themes... Divi, Petal, Jevelin, Enfold
  • Added POT file to allow translations
  • Fixed PHP Notice on Compact Mode
  • Fixed admin update notices
  • Updated export to not be called directly
  • Cleaned up codebase

  • Fixed broken Settings URL
  • Updated linking to Fetch Designs

  • Fixed PHP notices


  • Added category and address fields to CSV exports
  • Added mailcheck to try and alert for possible mis-typed email addresses
  • Added support for clearing sheet cache when a sign-up is added if using W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache
  • Added ability for signups to be exported via built in WordPress export feature
  • Updated task tables in admin to be more responsive for smaller screens
  • Updated CSS/JS to only be called on pages running SUS content
  • Fixed date display on sign-up form if using task dates
  • Fixed date fields mixup between task and sheet dates on export
  • Fixed sorting by sheet date in admin grid
  • Fixed custom fields and override text from adding slashes on apostrophes and quotes
  • Fixed plugins page Settings link and Re-run migration button for sites running in a subfolder
  • Fixed PHP Notices on 404 pages when spot lock is enabled
  • Fixed copying of tasks in admin to properly duplicate custom task field values (textarea, checkbox, radio)
  • Fixed signup submit button to help prevent double submission if double clicked

  • Fixed syntax error on PHP versions earlier than 5.3
  • Fixed timepicker conflict with certain plugins
  • Fixed slowness in admin for some users

  • Fixed migrate prepare


  • Fixed removal link output and added confirmation prior to removal
  • Fixed datepicker formatting and default value
  • Fixed task/headers from not always incrementing properly on save causing some to be ignored
  • Fixed license check issues and removed frontend license message
  • Added ability to extend plugin to add custom task actions


  • Updated default sheet sort order to use task end date.
  • Updated signup removal process to use hook instead of remove.php file.
  • Added option to set sheet sort order. Post ID or date.
  • Fixed javascript split error shown on some admin pages.
  • Fixed license not found error on sheet page.


  • Updated to use custom post types for sheets, tasks and signups (includes a lot of the newly added features)
  • Updated admin icon to use icon font
  • Added a Spot Lock option to hold spots for users while they are filling out their signup form
  • Added post statuses for sheets
  • Added ability to schedule publishing of sheets
  • Added WordPress friendly template files for sheets
  • Added SEO friendly URLs for sheets (https://www.example.com/sheet/adoption-event/
  • Fixed XSS security bug
  • Fixed status email so dates display when available
  • Fixed php warning when submitting sign-up with blank task date
  • Fixed bug preventing postboxes from opening/closing
  • Fixed task date range from displaying if one or more tasks has no date


  • Updated task datepicker to remember dates between rows
  • Added outgoing reminder message to the sheet settings
  • Added outgoing confirmation message to the sheet settings
  • Added ability to copy task rows when creating or editing sheets
  • Added ability to clear all sign-ups with on click
  • Added ability to add a heading row in the tasks list
  • Fixed issue with copied rows not saving data
  • Fixed issue with update message not showing in Twenty Fifteen Theme
  • Fixed issue with sign up section taking up too many columns


  • Fixed sheet WYSIWYG output error


  • Fixed issue with update notifications not displaying.
  • Fixed issue with cancellation email not displaying custom message.


  • Added feature to allow users to sign up for multiple tasks on a sheet at once
  • Fixed spacing between checkboxes and labels on custom sign-up fields
  • Fixed filters after status_email processes


  • Added ability to prevent users from signing up more than once for the same task
  • Added ability to prevent users from signing up for a task if they have already signed up for the task directly before or after
  • Added Email Test form on Help page
  • Added honeypot on sign-up form
  • Fixed PHP notice when saving sign-up with a multiple checkbox custom field

  • Fixed timezone bug on Settings page


  • Added ability to mark custom sign-up fields to display results on frontend
  • Added Help section
  • Fixed missing Sign-up Sheets menu conflict with some plugins
  • Fixed ascii characters in site title in emails
  • Fixed custom checkboxes remembering submission if error occurs
  • Fixed required custom field checkboxes from blocking form submission
  • Fixed sign-up form incorrectly submitting to HTTPS on certain servers
  • Fixed calendar popup on newly added tasks
  • Update "Settings" link location to be under Sign-up Sheets menu item


  • Added ability to set custom fields as required
  • Added option to expand Additional Settings by default
  • Fixed HTML validation errors
  • Fixed PHP warning on sign-up form when WP_DEBUG is enabled

  • Fixed PHP warning in admin when editing sheet
  • Fixed custom task fields showing up on all sheet in edit screen


  • Added custom task fields
  • Added visual editor to sheet details
  • Added ability to change the task title label
  • Added ability to edit removal confirmation email content
  • Updated settings page for a cleaner look and feel
  • Updated categories selection box to be hidden if none are created
  • Fixed bug where trashed sheets were showing up on Export All
  • Fixed fatal error if activating Pro before deactivating the free version


  • Added ability to display sheets in compact view
  • Added ability to edit reminder email content
  • Fixed date in confirmation email to display task date if applicable rather than sheet date
  • Fixed admin menu icon


  • Added task date to sign-up form if applicable
  • Updated export all to allow getting larger amounts of data for certain setups
  • Fixed copy functionality to included additional sheet fields and categories as well as recent bug that prevented tasks from being copied
  • Fixed sheet fields table so empty records are removed
  • Fixed Sign-up Sheets Manager Role from throwing permissions issue on Profile page
  • Fixed PHP Notices


  • Fixed security bug with Remember Me


  • Added option to set dates on the task level instead of the entire sheet for display and reminders
  • Added sheet specific settings options for phone/address fields
  • Added ability to assign custom fields to only specific sheets
  • Added option to display all user data on sign-ups on the frontend
  • Added optional "remember me" checkbox on the sign-up form
  • Updated styles on add/remove task indicators in admin
  • Fixed HTML special characters from displaying in email headers and in plaintext emails
  • Fixed empty table cell width on View Sign-up Sheets page in admin
  • Fixed sheets not expiring when called directly
  • Fixed database update check


  • Added ability to have specific BCC's per sheet
  • Fixed call to missing image in admin
  • Fixed random PHP Notices thrown in admin
  • Fixed sporadic issue with emails not being sent after updating to Pro
  • Updated code comments


  • Added ability to create global custom fields on the sign-up form


  • Added fields to allow adding customer name and email address to confirmation email
  • Added CSS classes to backlinks
  • Added version to stylesheet
  • Updated signup form CSS to be more responsive-friendly
  • Fixed displaying multiple shortcodes on a page where id is specified
  • Fixed backlink from displaying on shortcodes where id is specified
  • Fixed missing domain for text translations


  • Added ability to edit confirmation email
  • Fixed missing asterisk on simple captcha


  • Fixed bug where trashed sheets with no date specified would display on frontend
  • Fixed bug where trashed individual sheet pages were available on the frontend


  • Added options for the front-end display name for signed up users


  • Added ability to have more than one [sign-up-sheet] shortcode on one page
  • Added ability to set list title to the category name by adding shortcode option list_title_is_category=true


  • Fixed sheets disappearing before the end of day on date of event
  • Fixed bug that disallowed leaving the date field blank


  • Added optional event reminders
  • Fixed security bug on export
  • Fixed sheet edit screen to prevent the quantity of available tasks from being decreased below the number of current signups
  • Fixed default email subject display in Settings
  • Fixed "No, Thanks" link on sign-up form


  • Fixed export file header row
  • Fixed bug with database phone and address fields default value
  • Fixed possible plugin conflicts when using reCAPTCHA
  • Updated creating of token so it occurs on every signup
  • Updated reCAPTCHA base functions to prevent conflicts with other plugins using similar library
  • Added date_created to each signup in DB
  • Added brackets around removal link to help prevent line breaks killing the link
  • Added check and confirmation button for possible duplicate sign-ups on the same task


  • Fixed bug with category filtering