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  • in reply to: Reminder email not sending #3339
    Fetch Designs

    Hi Melanie. So glad to hear you figured it out quickly. You were absolutely correct, if for whatever reason the WordPress cron fails to schedule future jobs, disabling and re-enabling should solve it. 👍

    in reply to: Help – Need to rollback to free 2.2.6 version #3329
    Fetch Designs

    Glad to hear! If you run into any other issues, just let me know.


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    in reply to: Help – Need to rollback to free 2.2.6 version #3327
    Fetch Designs

    Hi Melanie, I found the cause of the bug in version 2.2.7 and have just released a fix in version 2.2.8 which should resolve it for you. After updating to 2.2.8, please let me know if you experience any other issues. Thanks!

    in reply to: Sign up Sheets not working #3326
    Fetch Designs

    I have just released version 2.2.8 of the plugin which includes a fix for the issue you reported. After updating to 2.2.8, please let me know if you experience any other issues. Thanks!

    in reply to: Sign up Sheets not working #3324
    Fetch Designs

    Thank you for reporting and I apologize for the inconvenience! I’m working on a fix and should release it later today. In the meantime, are you able to re-install the previous 2.2.6 version? If using the Free version, you can download it at this link…

    in reply to: Help – Need to rollback to free 2.2.6 version #3319
    Fetch Designs

    Not a problem! If you can send me any information such as your System Information from the “Sign-up Sheets > Help” page or if you are able to find any errors in your site logs, please pass it along so I can try and reproduce and fix in future versions. Glad to hear you are back up and running!

    in reply to: Sign Up doesn’t show up #3316
    Fetch Designs

    So sorry for the delay, I somehow missed your request here! If this is still occurring, are you able to provide a link where I can test this out to try and reproduce it?

    Offhand it sounds like it might be a caching issue. Do you know if you are using a caching plugin and if so which one? The Sign-up Sheets plugin supports a number of caching plugins so when a sign-up occurs it will automatically clear out the cached version of the page However, it’s possible the one you are using isn’t supported yet and if not I’d like to try and fix that.

    in reply to: Disable Confirmed Email #3315
    Fetch Designs

    Good news… this feature was just released with version 2.2.7 of the plugin!

    in reply to: Self-Remove not option not next to the sign up #3314
    Fetch Designs

    Version 2.2.7 was just released and includes a fix for this bug. If you run into any other issues, just let me know. Thanks!

    in reply to: Recommend Updates #3289
    Fetch Designs

    Yes, I took a closer look and it appears your theme has some styles in place that are limiting the width of the content…

    .entry-content>:not(.alignwide):not(.alignfull):not(.alignleft):not(.alignright):not(.is-style-wide) {
        --double-padding: calc(var(--go-block--padding--x)*2);
        max-width: var(--go--max-width);
        width: calc(100% - var(--double-padding));

    One workaround would be what you did by adding the shortcode for the sheet within another page which probably isn’t susceptible to this style. Another alternative would be in your theme to customize the Sign-up Sheet template and wrap everything within the “entry-content” div in a new div with a class “alignwide” which will tell your theme’s styles it’s okay to use the wide version of your layout. Below is an example of your new template file…


    <div class="alignwide">
        <div class="dls-sus-sheet">
            <h3><?php esc_attr_e('Sign up below...', 'fdsus'); ?></h3>
            <?php dlssus_the_tasks_table(); ?>
        </div><!-- .dls-sus-sheet -->
    </div><!-- .alignwide -->

    Alternatively, instead of adding yet another div you could just add that sale class to the existing one…

    <div class="dls-sus-sheet alignwide">
        <h3><?php esc_attr_e('Sign up below...', 'fdsus'); ?></h3>
        <?php dlssus_the_tasks_table(); ?>
    </div><!-- .dls-sus-sheet -->

    You can learn more about customizing the sign-up sheet templates in the documentation.

    I’ll review and get back to you on that other feature directly as well. Thanks!

    in reply to: Recommend Updates #3286
    Fetch Designs

    Hi Keith,

    Regarding your first point… any chance you can provide a link to where you are seeing this? There isn’t anything in the plugin that I can think of which would be restricting the width. I wonder if there is something coming from your theme doing this? If you can provide a link I can dig in a little further and get a better idea of what you are experiencing.

    I’ll make sure to add your second point to the wishlist of possible future improvements. I can’t guarantee when or if this can be added to the plugin, though. However, if you are in need of this feature right away, just let me know and I can review and send you over a quote for adding this feature for you right now.

    Thanks for your feedback!

    in reply to: Disable Confirmed Email #3259
    Fetch Designs

    Disabling the confirmation email isn’t currently a feature of the plugin. However, I think it could be very useful for some users so I am going to look at adding that ability into the next version of the Sign-up Sheets Pro plugin which I’m expecting to release in the near future. I will update this thread if it ends up getting added. Thanks for the suggestion!

    in reply to: Comments Section #3252
    Fetch Designs

    Yes, it sounds like what you want to do is add a Custom Sign-up Field. With Sign-up Sheets Pro, in your WordPress admin, go to… Sign-up Sheets > Setting > Sign-up Form, and then create a new Custom Sign-up Field with the type “text” or “textarea”. This will add a new field on the sign-up form that your users can fill out when they submit their sign-up. Learn more about custom sign-up fields.

    in reply to: Can’t delete tasks and debug error #3234
    Fetch Designs

    My apologies, I do believe there was a bug in that version that caused the updates to not appear in the admin. I sent out a manual email notice about a later update that fixed the issue so I apologize if you got missed! I will reach out to you directly regarding your license.

    in reply to: Can’t delete tasks and debug error #3230
    Fetch Designs

    I confirmed and was unable to reproduce this on the latest version of the plugin, 2.2.6. I know there have been a number of updates since including compatibility fixes with the more recent versions of WordPress so I suspect this is what you are running into. I would recommend updating to the latest version of the Sign-up Sheets plugin. If you still are noticing issues, please let me know and I can debug further.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 117 total)